Welcome to Urbane Pro

An on-demand platform that connects Professionals and Corporate Leaders to Schools, Colleges and Universities for seamless Industry Interactions, Corporate Engagements, Webinars, Hackathons, Ideathons, Case-Study Competitions and much more.

Who are Highly Qualified Educators@Urbane ?

Our teachers are great educators, but the executors are one’s who tried and failed and attempted again. We know that learning is easier and more Impactful, when you have an excellent Mentor. That’s why all our Industry Mentors have achieved an advanced degree in their field and work. Our instructors are passionate about the topics they teach and bring this enthusiasm into the learners. 

Wide Variety of Learnings

Whether you’re looking for technical or behavioral training, a best practice seminar, or a management upskill, URBANE can help. All our topics are customizable for your needs to make sure you leave with relevant skills within no time. Shorter and Crisp learning for all age groups..

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